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Recipes for Delectable Steak and Eggs with Nutrition Information

Certainly! Here are two delicious steak and eggs recipes along with their approximate nutritional information: Classic Steak and Eggs: Ingredients: 2 beef tenderloin steaks (6 oz each) 4 large eggs 2 tablespoons olive oil Salt and pepper to taste Optional: Fresh herbs for garnish Instructions: Season the steaks with salt and pepper on both sides. Heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Place the steaks in the skillet and cook for about 4-5 minutes on each side for medium-rare doneness or adjust based on your preferred level of doneness. Once done, transfer the steaks to a plate and let them rest for a few minutes. In the same skillet, crack the eggs and cook them sunny-side-up or to your desired level of doneness. Plate the steaks alongside the eggs, garnish with fresh herbs if desired, and serve immediately. Nutritional Information (per serving): Calories: 485 kcal Protein: 47g Fat: 31g Carbohydrates: 1g Fiber: 0g Chimichurri St

Tighten your stomach: These exercises are sure to work

If you want to have a flat stomach, there is no avoiding exercise. But it doesn't have to be the costly and time-consuming trip to the gym. Put a fitness mat next to the couch and do effective exercises regularly to tone your stomach before you start the cozy part of the evening. construction bolts 


Tighten your stomach: three exercises for success

If you want to tone your stomach in time for the bikini season - we have three exercises here to help you achieve your desired result faster.

The dancer : train the core and lower abdominal muscles.

The aviator : training shoulders as well as lateral and upper abdominal muscles.

Knee backs : Train your abdominal muscles - our insider tip among the six-pack exercises.

Tummy Tone Tips

Before you roll out your exercise mat and start your tummy tuck program, we have put together five tips for you. Because no matter how many six-pack exercises you do, there is no point in exercising your lower and upper abdominal muscles without a healthy diet .


1.       Waivers after 14 clock on sugary fruit and rich food . Because if you want to visibly tighten your stomach and have abdominal muscles, you should also declare war on the love handles . The rule is: breakfast like an emperor, lunch like a king and dinner like a beggar.

2.       Lots of fiber = good digestion = flat stomach ! The rule is that simple. Fiber is found in flax seeds, legumes, avocados and apricots, among other things.

3.       It cannot be said often enough: a particularly protein-heavy diet and a reduction in carbohydrates have a positive effect on the exercises to train the lower and upper abdominal muscles.

4.       Have a six-pack! Exercise is one thing, but with enough water you can also stimulate digestion and avoid bloating .

5.       Not only the stars swear by it: intermittent fasting . In our info article, we explain the nutrition trend that gives your six-pack plans the final kick.

One more tip in advance: You determine the number of repetitions per exercise yourself according to your feelings. You will soon notice your first successes and you can intensify your abdominal muscle training.


Tighten your stomach - Exercise # 1: the dancer

Starting possition :


Lie on your back . Your head is a natural extension of the spine, your gaze is directed straight up throughout the exercise. Pull your chin back slightly to keep your neck stretched.

Put your arms on the sides of your head. The elbows are slightly bent, the palms point towards the head - just like a dancer.

Pull your knees towardss your chest so that your lower back is completely on the mat. Then you stretch your legs towards the ceiling. Cross your ankles. The feet are straight and turned slightly outwards.

Tense your abdominal muscles, activate the pelvic floor and press your lower back firmly against the surface .

Exercising your lower abs: How to do it effectively


Exhale , tighten your abdominal muscles even more and slowly lift your buttocks a little off the floor. Both legs pull vertically towards the ceiling.

As you inhale, slowly lower your buttocks back into the starting position .

At the end of the last repetition, lift your bottom again and hold the muscle tension for eight seconds. Meanwhile, continue to breathe very calmly and evenly.

Tip : If you cannot fully stretch your legs, it is enough to stretch them out as far as possible.

Tighten your stomach - Exercise # 2: the flier

Starting position :

  • You start the exercise lying on your side .
  • Lie on the right side of your body. Your legs are closed and one above the other.
  • Support yourself with your right forearm vertically below your shoulder. Actively push your shoulder up . The forearm is att right angles to the body with the palm facing down.
  • Keep your head in a natural extension of the spine. Your gaze is directed straight ahead.
  • Tense the abdominal, pelvic floor and gluteal muscles. Lift your pelvis and legs so your entire body is in a straight line. Your weight only rests on your right foot and forearm.
  • Extend your left arm straight up .

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